Accelerate EV adoption

With the overall goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 the conversion to clean energy sources is essential. An important measure for mitigating climate change is the reduction emissions through electric-vehicle adoption. 

The adverse health effects of air pollution due to exhaust emissions is overwhelming, particularly its disproportionate impact on poor and densely populated communities. Electric cars have now been associated with real-world reductions in both air pollution and respiratory problems.

As such, Optera is committed to creating various sustainability based initiatives, promotional events and programs to encourage electric vehicle adoption.

EV Charging Station Infrastructure Development

The switch to electric vehicles must go hand in hand with a nationwide infrastructure of recharging stations. Optera is dedicated to working with municipalities, EVSE providers and other private organizations to build a national electric vehicle charging network accessible to all Americans while prioritizing underserved and ‘sustainability challenged’ communities.